
This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress.

7 Responses to About

  1. Jane Lea says:

    Much love to take along the way. I see you and feel seen by you!! Terrifying, no??

  2. Jeri says:

    Dear One,
    See, beseen make a scene, (not obscene!)
    And know that love and wonder are your constant traveling companions.

  3. Hi there,

    It has been quiet a long time since you left Cambodia, are you back home by now? Remember me? I just found your article in your blog and we happened to talk a little bit. God bless!

    Best Wishes,

    • Christina says:

      Hi There!

      Yes, it’s been a long time since I was in Cambodia. When people ask about my trip, I invariably talk about the wonderful, wonderful Cambodian people. I miss your beautiful country and it’s lovely and kind people.

      Warm greetings your way!

  4. VAL says:

    Hi. Thank you for the wonderful poetry and photos. I share them with friends or print them to hang on my wall as reminders.
    Love you, “Sista,” from the old ‘hood,

  5. The frog says:

    Chris, so glad you made it to Panama; Laura and I had a great experience there too – and you are right about the food; you forgot to mention the incredible doses of SALT in everything! Pity you did not tell me abot your trip, as we have a great friend and wonderful person in Boquete at this time. Bocas del Toro an dthe coral reefs and the little islands are just gorgeaou – as are the people.
    Drop me a line some time. We have been *so* busy (wedding on the coinco de mayo)!

    Hugs and warm thoughts.


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